Friday, March 16, 2007


Hapkido Seminar in Boise, ID - April 14, 2007

This is an anouncement regarding an upcoming seminar by Alain Burrese in Boise, ID. If you enjoy the Lock On dvds, check out Alain live:

It's that time of year again and we are gearing up for
the 5th Annual Seminar. This year will feature more
of the excellent grappling techniques we have covered
in years past as well as cane work and striking, and
other topics.

Any of you who have been before know what we have a
great time and that Alain runs an awesome seminar!

The cost is the same as always: $50. If you are
coming as a group call me and we may be able to work
out a group pricing deal.

The Date is 14 April 2007

The venue is the same this year. If you don't
remember, I'll be glad to send you a map with
directions when you register.

Registration begins at 8:30 and we will get started
around 9

Lunch at 11:30
Seminar resumes at 1 PM

This year, we're going to shoot for a 4 PM end time,
to leave a little more room for participants to go
over specific questions with Alain or buy a book or
training DVD!

14 April 2007
Boise, Idaho
9 AM - 5 PM
$50 per individual with group rates available!

Any questions, comments, or advanced book/DVD orders,
call me:

Danny Rowell
Kantan Kyo Jujutsu

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