Friday, June 23, 2006


Jigoro Kano Quote

This quote from Kano Shihan not only sums up his philosophy regarding Judo, but can be applied to other arts as well. Don't just read the quote. Study it, think about it, apply it to your own life and training.

"Judo is a means of using mental and physical energy most efficiently. This training means improving oneself physically and spiritually through the practice of self-defense techniques and learning through experience the essence of the 'way.' This, then, is the ultimate object of judo - to perfect oneself and thus be of some use to the world around."

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Blade The Series

The popular comic turned movie is now becoming a television series on Spike TV.

Blade The Series premieres on Wednesday, June 28th. Check your local listings for times.

The movies were full of martial art action and it looks like the series will have plenty too.

Use the show to motivate yourself to get into the gym, dojo, or dojang and train hard. It's fun to watch martial art movies and shows, and they can give you incentive to train harder.

Train hard!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


World Combat League

The current issue of Black Belt magazine has Chuck Norris on the cover promoting the new World Combat League. Here is some information regarding this new event for martial artists.

The WCL is the vision of Martial Arts icon Chuck Norris. It is a sports league like the NBA or NFL made up of professional martial arts fighters on teams representing American cities. WCL contests combine the excitement of martial arts combat with the thrill of routing for your favorite team. Our goal is to provide sports fans with an unprecedented level of "full throttle" martial arts fighting action in every second of each round of every team contest.

From the official site:

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

During one of my classes this week I was working with a new student with a couple things. I asked if he had any questions, and he replied "no, I just need to practice a lot." Don't we all? :-)

I told him it was important to practice slow and correct and then speed up as he gets better, rather than do it fast and incorrect from the beginning. I reminded him that practice makes permanent, and only perfect practice makes perfect.

Don't just go through the motions when you are practicing. Focus on what you are doing, and strive to do it the best you can each and every time.

Get out there and practice - perfectly!


Thursday, June 01, 2006



The Japanese have a word for the concept of never ending improvement, it is kaizen.

Translations include "change for the better" and "improvement." This is a powerful concept to incorporate into your daily living and training. Constantly seek ways to do things in all areas of your life better. Do your best, and constantly seek ways to improve. Do not be content with being average. Go above and beyond by incorporating kaizen to become a better person in everything you do.

Each and every time you go to your martial art class strive to be better when you leave than you were when you entered. Put everything into your training and maximize your time in class. A little improvement each and every class amounts to huge gains over the years.

I remember GM J.R. West one time saying that the key was to continually show up for class. He is right. But I'll go one step further and say that not only must you continually show up for class, but also make sure you train and learn each time.

Remember kaizen and constantly seek to improve!


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