Thursday, June 01, 2006



The Japanese have a word for the concept of never ending improvement, it is kaizen.

Translations include "change for the better" and "improvement." This is a powerful concept to incorporate into your daily living and training. Constantly seek ways to do things in all areas of your life better. Do your best, and constantly seek ways to improve. Do not be content with being average. Go above and beyond by incorporating kaizen to become a better person in everything you do.

Each and every time you go to your martial art class strive to be better when you leave than you were when you entered. Put everything into your training and maximize your time in class. A little improvement each and every class amounts to huge gains over the years.

I remember GM J.R. West one time saying that the key was to continually show up for class. He is right. But I'll go one step further and say that not only must you continually show up for class, but also make sure you train and learn each time.

Remember kaizen and constantly seek to improve!


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