Monday, May 15, 2006


Literary and Martial Skills

In the book, The Samurai: The Philosophy of Victory, Robert T. Samuel shares Hojo Soun's 21 Articles written by Hojo Soun in 1490. I want to share number 21:

"It is imperative for you to constantly practice reading, writing, martial arts, archery, and equestrian skills. Literary skills belong to your left hand, martial skills to your right."

This is very good advice. We must not only study our physical arts, but we should read, write, and exercise our minds just as we exercise our bodies. We should strive for balance. Just as you should set aside each day for exercise and training in your chosen martial art, you should also set aside time to read and study from good books on those topics that interest you and can further your careers or get you ahead in your studies if you are in school.

Train hard, train smart, and take time to read good books. - Alain

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